Savoury Squid Adobo with Garlic and Soy





  • 500克鱿鱼,洗净,切成圈
  • 2汤匙植物油
  • 1 个洋葱,切碎
  • 6 瓣大蒜,切碎
  • 1/4杯酱油
  • 1/4 杯醋
  • 2 片月桂叶
  • 1/2 茶匙黑胡椒
  • 1茶匙糖
  • 蒸米饭,供食用


  1. Prepare the squid
    1 Prepare the squid

    Clean and cut squid into rings, reserving the tentacles. In a large pan, heat oil over medium heat and sauté garlic and onion until softened.

  2. Simmer the adobo
    2 Simmer the adobo

    Add the squid to the pan, followed by soy sauce, vinegar, bay leaves, and pepper. Simmer for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally until the squid is tender. Adjust seasoning if needed.

  3. Finish and serve
    3 Finish and serve

    Stir in sugar and simmer for another 5 minutes to balance the flavours. Remove from heat and serve hot with steamed rice.
