Coffin Bay Cockle Linguine with White Wine Sauce Recipe





  • 1 公斤 Coffin Bay 蛤蜊,洗净
  • 3 汤匙 橄榄油
  • 4 瓣大蒜,切碎
  • 1杯干白葡萄酒
  • 400 克扁面条,煮熟
  • 新鲜欧芹,切碎,用于装饰
  • 1 个柠檬,切成角
  • 盐和胡椒,调味


  1. 煮意大利扁面条
    1 煮意大利扁面条

    将扁面条放入盐水中煮至有嚼劲,约 8-10 分钟。

  2. Clean the Cockles
    2 Clean the Cockles

    Rinse Coffin Bay cockles under cold water to remove any sand or debris.

  3. Sauté Garlic
    3 Sauté Garlic

    Heat olive oil in a pan, add finely chopped garlic, and sauté until fragrant.

  4. Cook the Cockles
    4 Cook the Cockles

    Add the cockles to the pan, pour in white wine, cover, and steam until they open, usually about 5-7 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste during this step.

  5. Finish and Serve
    5 Finish and Serve

    Toss cooked linguine in the pan with the cockles, garnish with chopped parsley, and serve with a wedge of lemon.
