Korean-Style Braised Sardines in Spicy Soy Sauce Recipe





  • 400 克罐装沙丁鱼,沥干
  • 1/4杯酱油
  • 1/4杯水
  • 1 汤匙 芝麻油
  • 1汤匙糖
  • 1 汤匙 gochujang(韩国辣椒酱)
  • 3 瓣大蒜,切碎
  • 1 汤匙 新鲜姜,磨碎
  • 2 根葱,切片作装饰
  • 1 茶匙芝麻作装饰


  1. Prepare the Sauce Base
    1 Prepare the Sauce Base

    In a medium saucepan over medium heat, combine soy sauce, water, sesame oil, sugar, gochujang (Korean chilli paste), garlic, and ginger. Stir until the sugar dissolves, and the mixture begins to bubble gently.

  2. Add the Sardines
    2 Add the Sardines

    Place the sardines in the sauce, spooning a bit of the sauce over them to coat. Reduce the heat to low, cover, and simmer for 10 minutes, allowing the sardines to absorb the sauce's flavours.

  3. Garnish and Serve
    3 Garnish and Serve

    Uncover, sprinkle with sliced spring onions and sesame seeds, and serve hot over steamed rice.
