Grilled Langoustines with Apple & Lemon Butter



想象一下,多汁的龙虾与脆脆的 Granny Smith 苹果片优雅地搭配在一起,再淋上柠檬橄榄油调味汁,味道轻柔。这道现代澳大利亚菜肴充满了果园苹果的清新味道和大海的咸味,并加入了香草和大蒜的香味。一场视觉和味觉的盛宴。


  • 500 克 海螯虾
  • 2 个中号 Granny Smith 苹果(切丁)
  • 30 毫升 特级初榨橄榄油
  • 2 瓣蒜(切碎)
  • 1 汤匙新鲜百里香叶
  • 1 个柠檬 柠檬皮
  • 15 毫升 柠檬汁
  • 20 克 无盐黄油
  • 1茶匙盐
  • 0.5 茶匙黑胡椒


  1. Step 1 - Prepare the Ingredients
    1 Step 1 - Prepare the Ingredients

    Peel and devein the langoustines, leaving the tails intact for presentation. Dice the Granny Smith apples and mince the garlic cloves. Zest the lemon and squeeze out 15 ml of lemon juice. Set aside all ingredients for cooking.

  2. Step 2 – Preheat Cooking Surface
    2 Step 2 – Preheat Cooking Surface

    Preheat a grill or skillet over medium-high heat. Brush it lightly with extra virgin olive oil to prevent sticking and enhance flavor.

  3. Step 3 – Sauté the Apples and Garlic
    3 Step 3 – Sauté the Apples and Garlic

    In a skillet, melt the unsalted butter over medium heat. Add the diced Granny Smith apples and minced garlic, sautéing until the apples soften and the garlic becomes fragrant (about 3-4 minutes). Stir in fresh thyme leaves and season with salt and black pepper.

  4. Step 4 – Grill the Langoustines
    4 Step 4 – Grill the Langoustines

    Place the langoustines on the preheated grill or skillet. Cook for 2-3 minutes on each side until the flesh turns opaque and the shells develop a slight char. While grilling, drizzle lemon juice over the langoustines for extra zest and flavor.

  5. Step 5 – Plating and Garnish
    5 Step 5 – Plating and Garnish

    Arrange the sautéed apples on a serving plate and place the grilled langoustines on top. Garnish with lemon zest and a sprinkle of fresh thyme leaves. Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil for a finishing touch.

  6. Step 6 – Serve and Enjoy
    6 Step 6 – Serve and Enjoy

    Serve the dish warm, paired with crusty bread or a light salad. Enjoy the sweet and tangy contrast of Granny Smith apples with the delicate, buttery langoustines!
