Refreshing Mediterranean Salmon Soup Recipe





  • 2 汤匙 特级初榨橄榄油
  • 4 根葱,切碎
  • ½ 颗青椒,切碎
  • 4 瓣大蒜,切碎
  • 1 盎司新鲜莳萝,分成几份
  • 5杯低钠鸡汤
  • 1 磅金土豆,切成薄片
  • 1 根胡萝卜,切成薄片
  • 1 茶匙 干牛至
  • ¾ 茶匙 香菜粉
  • ½ 茶匙 孜然粉
  • 1 磅三文鱼片,去皮,切块
  • 1 个柠檬的果皮和果汁


  1. Sauté Aromatics
    1 Sauté Aromatics

    In a large pot, heat olive oil and sauté green onions, bell pepper, garlic, and half of the dill until fragrant.

  2. Simmer Vegetables and Spices
    2 Simmer Vegetables and Spices

    Add chicken broth along with thinly sliced potatoes and carrots. Season with oregano, coriander, and cumin, and cook until the vegetables are tender.

  3. Cook the Salmon
    3 Cook the Salmon

    Season salmon chunks with salt and gently simmer in the broth until cooked through, about 3-5 minutes.

  4. Finish with Citrus and Herbs
    4 Finish with Citrus and Herbs

    Stir in the lemon zest, lemon juice, and remaining dill. Serve immediately.
