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Restaurant quality seafood delivered to your door! 👇👇

You're in great hands
With over a hundred skilled staff, 300+ luxury restaurants and 40+ owned refrigerated vans, we have the buying and distribution power to get fresh seafood to you!

Getfish is committed to ensuring a sustainable supply of seafood for generations to come.
Getfish Supports and Trades within the Sydney Fish Market Guidelines of sustainability. Enhancing seafoods for future generations, lawful supply, Traceability, Protection and enhancement of the marine environment and the innovations of Research and development that can help improve the industry.
Getfish will also Never trade in seafood that has been caught or farmed illegally and actively work with Government agencies to eliminate unlawful activity throughout the supply chain

Our Vessels
GetFish operates 6 vessels in Australia and New Zealand waters. We currently have all 6 Vessels are working in the South East Fishery and Great Australian Bight Sector.
The Vessels are landing there catch at ports of Eden (NSW), Hobart (Tasmania), Portland (Victoria) and Port Lincoln (South Australia). Being widely distributed means our fleet is on top of the weather and movement of fish stocks.
The vessels produce ice on board and store catch in refrigerated fish rooms. The vessels run short trips (average of 4-5 days) keeping the catch fresh and meeting supply and demand of the market.
We both own and lease Quota; this ensures access to the and sustainability to the fishery. We are one of the largest quota holders and catcher in the south east trawl sector.