Creamy Cauliflower Seafood Medley Recipe





  • 1 个大花椰菜,切成小花
  • 200克贻贝,洗净
  • 200 克鲷鱼片,切丁
  • 200 克大虾,去皮、去筋
  • 1升鸡汤
  • 1 个大洋葱,切丁
  • 1 根大胡萝卜,切丁
  • 2 根芹菜,切丁
  • 200 克樱桃番茄,对半切开
  • 4 瓣大蒜,切碎
  • 1 个柠檬汁
  • 4 片培根,切碎
  • 1 根红辣椒,切成薄片
  • 新鲜欧芹和香菜,切碎,用于装饰


  1. Roast Cauliflower
    1 Roast Cauliflower

    Roast small cauliflower florets in an oven at 200°C for about 20 minutes until golden, set aside for garnish.

  2. Cook Base Ingredients
    2 Cook Base Ingredients

    Lightly pan-fry chopped bacon in a pot over medium heat for about 5 minutes, then add and sauté onions, carrots, celery, and garlic for another 7-10 minutes until softened.

  3. Simmer Chowder
    3 Simmer Chowder

    Add cauliflower and chicken broth to the pot and simmer for about 15 minutes until the cauliflower is soft enough to blend to desired consistency.

  4. Add Seafood
    4 Add Seafood

    Mix in mussels, snapper, and prawns, cooking for about 8-10 minutes until the seafood is thoroughly cooked. Stir in tomatoes, herbs, and squeeze in the juice of one lemon.

  5. Garnish and Serve
    5 Garnish and Serve

    Ladle the chowder into bowls, garnish with roasted cauliflower, crispy bacon, chilli, and fresh herbs, ready to serve immediately.
