Mussel Curry with Tangy Tomato Infusion Recipe





  • 1公斤贻贝,洗净,去须
  • 1 杯洋葱,切碎
  • 2 颗青辣椒
  • 2 汤匙 番茄酱
  • 1 汤匙 蒜蓉酱
  • 1 汤匙 姜酱
  • 1 茶匙 孜然
  • 1 茶匙 芫荽粉
  • 1/2 茶匙 红辣椒粉
  • 1/4 杯 香菜,切碎
  • 2 汤匙 椰丝
  • 2 个大番茄,切碎
  • 1 个柠檬汁
  • 2 汤匙 植物油


  1. Prepare Curry Paste
    1 Prepare Curry Paste

    Blend green chilies, tomato paste, garlic, ginger, cumin, coriander, and red chili powder with cilantro and coconut to form a smooth paste.

  2. Cook Curry
    2 Cook Curry

    Fry onions in oil until translucent, add the curry paste, and cook until aromatic. Incorporate chopped tomatoes and cook until mushy.

  3. Add Mussels
    3 Add Mussels

    Introduce mussels to the sauce, cook until they open, and then stir in cilantro and a dash of lemon juice.

  4. Serve
    4 Serve

    Garnish with additional cilantro and serve with steamed rice or flatbread.
