Australia Day BBQ: Spicy Prawn Skewers





  • ニンニク 2片(細かく刻む)
  • 長い赤唐辛子 1 本(種を取り除いて細かく刻む)
  • オリーブオイル大さじ2杯
  • ライムジュース大さじ2杯塩と粗挽き黒コショウ
  • 生のキングエビ 750 g(殻をむき、背わたを取り、尾はそのまま)
  • ライムの輪切り(盛り付け用)
  • 既製のアイオリソースまたはマヨネーズ(盛り付け用)
  • 塩フレーク(味付け用)
  • 竹串


  1. Soak Skewers:
    1 Soak Skewers:

    Soak bamboo skewers in water for 30 minutes to prevent burning when grilling.

  2. Prepare Marinade:
    2 Prepare Marinade:

    In a large glass bowl, combine olive oil, lime juice, garlic, black pepper, and chillies. Stir until well mixed.

  3. Marinate Prawns:
    3 Marinate Prawns:

    Add prawns to the bowl and toss to ensure they are evenly coated with the marinade. Cover the bowl and refrigerate for 15 minutes to allow flavors to infuse.

  4. Grill:
    4 Grill:
    • Heat the barbecue plate to high.
    • Remove prawns from the marinade and thread 3 onto each skewer.
    • Grill the prawn skewers for 2-3 minutes on each side or until they are golden and cooked through.
  5. Serve:
    5 Serve:

    Serve the grilled prawn skewers with aioli or mayonnaise and lime wedges for squeezing.
