Authentic Coconut and Seafood Laksa Recipe





  • 大型グリーンキングエビ 1kg
  • 新鮮なムール貝 8個(飾り用)
  • ラクサペースト 200g
  • ココナッツミルク400ml缶
  • 塩 小さじ3
  • ブラウンシュガー小さじ1杯
  • ビーフン 200g
  • ピーナッツオイル大さじ1杯
  • 新鮮なもやし 200g
  • 新鮮なミントのみじん切り ⅓カップ
  • 新鮮なコリアンダーのみじん切り 1/4カップ


  1. Prepare Noodles:
    1 Prepare Noodles:

    Soak vermicelli noodles in a large bowl of boiling water until cooked, approximately 8 minutes. Drain and rinse with cold water. Divide between 4 bowls.

  2. Cook Laksa Paste:
    2 Cook Laksa Paste:
    • Heat oil in a wok over medium-high heat. Add laksa paste and cook for 1 minute.
    • Stir in sugar, salt, and coriander. Add stock and bring to a boil. Then add coconut milk and simmer for 5 minutes.
  3. Cook Seafood:
    3 Cook Seafood:

    Add prawns and cook for about 2 minutes, or until they turn pink.

  4. Assemble and Serve:
    4 Assemble and Serve:

    Pour or ladle the hot laksa over the noodles in the bowls. Garnish with mussels, fresh bean sprouts, and mint leaves. Serve immediately while hot.
