Creamy Prawn Laksa Bowl Recipe





  • 植物油大さじ1杯
  • ラクサペースト 大さじ3杯
  • チキンストック4カップ
  • ココナッツミルク 1缶(400ml)
  • 殻をむいて背わたを取り除いたエビ 300g
  • ライスヌードル 200g
  • もやし 1カップ
  • 新鮮なコリアンダー(飾り用)
  • 飾り用の赤唐辛子1本(スライス)
  • ライムの輪切り(盛り付け用)


  1. Prepare the Laksa Broth
    1 Prepare the Laksa Broth

    In a large pot, heat the oil over medium heat. Add the laksa paste, cooking for 2–3 minutes until fragrant. Pour in the chicken stock and coconut milk, stirring to combine. Simmer for 10 minutes to allow flavours to meld.

  2. Cook the Prawns and Noodles
    2 Cook the Prawns and Noodles

    Add the prawns and cook until pink and opaque, about 3–4 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the rice noodles according to package instructions, then drain and set aside.

  3. Assemble and Serve
    3 Assemble and Serve

    Divide the noodles among serving bowls. Ladle the hot laksa broth over the noodles and top with cooked prawns. Garnish with bean sprouts, coriander, chilli, and lime wedges for an added burst of freshness.
