Creamy Snapper Chowder Recipe



新鮮な鯛の塊、濃厚でクリーミーなスープ、季節の野菜の盛り合わせを煮込んだクリーミー スナッパー チャウダーをぜひご賞味ください。オーストラリアの肌寒い夜を温めるのにぴったりの料理で、海辺の雰囲気をテーブルに直接お届けします。


  • バター30g
  • ニンニク 2片(みじん切り)
  • 大きめの玉ねぎ1個(みじん切り)
  • ニンジン 2本(スライス)
  • 白ワイン100ml
  • 小麦粉大さじ2杯
  • 魚のスープ750ml
  • 牛乳500ml
  • ジャガイモ 2個(角切り)
  • コーン粒 1カップ
  • 鯛の切り身500g(塊に切る)
  • エンドウ豆 1カップ
  • 塩、コショウ、お好みで
  • ネギ(飾り用)
  • 固いパン(盛り付け用)


  1. Prepare the Base
    1 Prepare the Base

    Melt butter in a large pot and sauté onions, garlic, and carrots until soft. Stir in flour, then slowly add white wine and let it reduce for a few minutes.

  2. Simmer the Soup
    2 Simmer the Soup

    Gradually pour in fish stock and milk, bringing the mixture to a simmer. Add diced potatoes and corn, cooking until the potatoes are tender, approximately 15-20 minutes.

  3. Add the Snapper
    3 Add the Snapper

    Introduce snapper fillets to the pot, cooking gently until the fish is flaky and cooked through, which typically takes about 10 minutes. Stir in peas during the last few minutes of cooking.

  4. Garnish and Serve
    4 Garnish and Serve

    Adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper, garnish with chopped green onions, and serve hot alongside crusty bread.
