Golden Silver Fish Omelette – Crispy, Savory & Perfect for Any Meal

黄金の銀魚のオムレツ – クリスピーで風味豊か、どんな食事にもぴったり




  • 冷凍のシミ100g(解凍して水切りしたもの)
  • 大きな卵4個
  • 薄口醤油大さじ1杯
  • 白コショウ 小さじ1/2杯
  • コーンスターチ大さじ1杯(カリカリ感を出すため)
  • ネギ 1本(みじん切り)
  • 小さな赤唐辛子 1 本(スライスしたもの)(オプション)
  • 植物油大さじ2杯


  1.  Prepare the Silverfish
    1 Prepare the Silverfish

    Thaw the frozen silverfish and drain excess water. Pat dry with paper towels to prevent sogginess.

  2. Make the Egg Mixture
    2 Make the Egg Mixture

    In a bowl, whisk together eggs, soy sauce, white pepper, and cornstarch until well combined. Stir in the chopped spring onion and red chili.

  3. Heat the Oil
    3 Heat the Oil

    Heat the vegetable oil in a non-stick pan over medium-high heat until shimmering.

  4. Cook the Silverfish
    4 Cook the Silverfish

    Add the silverfish to the hot oil and sauté for 1-2 minutes until slightly crispy.

  5.  Pour in the Egg Mixture
    5 Pour in the Egg Mixture

    Slowly pour the whisked egg mixture over the silverfish, covering it evenly.

  6. Cook Until Golden
    6 Cook Until Golden

    Let the omelette cook undisturbed for 2-3 minutes, then flip or fold and cook for another 1-2 minutes until golden.

  7. Serve and Enjoy
    7 Serve and Enjoy

    Transfer to a plate, garnish with extra spring onions, and serve hot with steamed rice or congee.
