Australia Day Prawn, Mango, and Avocado Salad Recipe





  • 殻をむいて背わたを取り除いた茹でたエビ 300g
  • 皮をむいてスライスした大きなマンゴー1個
  • 皮をむいてスライスした大きなアボカド1個
  • ミックスサラダグリーン 4カップ
  • 小さなキュウリ 1本(さいの目切り)
  • 小さな赤玉ねぎ1個(薄切り)
  • 新鮮なハーブ(ミント、コリアンダー、パセリ)大さじ2杯、みじん切り
  • ライムジュース1個分
  • オレンジジュース1個
  • オリーブオイル大さじ3
  • ディジョンマスタード小さじ1杯
  • 蜂蜜小さじ1杯
  • 塩と挽きたての黒コショウ


  1. Prepare the Salad Ingredients
    1 Prepare the Salad Ingredients

    Rinse and pat dry the salad greens, then spread them out on a large serving platter. Slice the mango and avocado into bite-sized pieces. Dice the cucumber and red onion. Arrange the mango, avocado, cucumber, and onion over the greens for a colourful base.

  2. Cook the Prawns and Mix the Dressing
    2 Cook the Prawns and Mix the Dressing

    eat a splash of olive oil in a non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Cook the prawns for 2–3 minutes on each side until they turn pink and opaque. Season with salt and pepper, and allow to cool slightly. In a small bowl, whisk together the lime juice, orange juice, olive oil, Dijon mustard, and honey. Adjust seasoning to taste.

  3. Assemble and Serve
    3 Assemble and Serve

    Add the prawns to the prepared salad. Drizzle with the citrus dressing and garnish with freshly chopped herbs. Serve immediately, making it the star of your Australia Day feast.
