Braised Octopus with Smoky Romesco Sauce Recipe





  • タコ1匹(約1.5kg)、きれいに洗う
  • ベイリーフ 2枚
  • 皮をむいてつぶしたニンニク3片
  • 赤ワインビネガー大さじ1杯
  • オリーブオイル大さじ3
  • 新鮮なパセリ 1 握り、みじん切り(飾り用)
  • 大きめのロースト赤ピーマン 2 個(または瓶詰めのローストピーマン)
  • トーストしたアーモンド ⅓カップ
  • ニンニク 1片(みじん切り)
  • オリーブオイル大さじ2杯
  • スモークパプリカ小さじ1杯
  • 赤ワインビネガー大さじ1杯
  • 古くなったパン1枚(細かくちぎる)
  • 塩と挽きたての黒コショウ、お好みで


  1. Prepare and Cook the Octopus
    1 Prepare and Cook the Octopus

    Clean the octopus thoroughly under cold water. Place it in a large pot with bay leaves, garlic, and a splash of red wine vinegar. Cover with water and simmer gently for 45–60 minutes until tender. Remove from heat, cool slightly, and cut into serving-sized pieces.

  2. Make the Romesco Sauce
    2 Make the Romesco Sauce

    In a blender or food processor, combine roasted capsicums, toasted almonds, garlic, olive oil, smoked paprika, red wine vinegar, and stale bread. Blend until smooth, then season with salt and pepper to taste. Adjust consistency with a splash of water if needed.

  3. Sear and Serve
    3 Sear and Serve

    Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the cooked octopus pieces and sear until lightly browned and crisp on the edges. Serve the octopus over a generous dollop of romesco sauce, garnished with fresh parsley.
