Butter-Garlic Lobster Tails with Ginger Soy Sauce Recipe





  • ロブスターの尾 4本(1尾あたり約150g)
  • 無塩バター大さじ3
  • 植物油大さじ1杯
  • ニンニク 2片(みじん切り)
  • 生姜千切り大さじ1杯
  • 醤油大さじ2
  • オイスターソース大さじ1杯
  • 砂糖 小さじ1杯
  • 水大さじ2杯
  • ネギ(スライス、飾り用)
  • レモンの輪切り(盛り付け用)


  1. Prepare the Lobster Tails
    1 Prepare the Lobster Tails

    Split the lobster tails in half lengthwise. Season with salt and pepper. Heat a pan over medium heat with butter and oil. Sear the lobster tails, flesh side down, until slightly golden, then turn and baste with the butter mixture.

  2. Make the Sauce
    2 Make the Sauce
  3. Serve
    3 Serve

    Plate the lobster tails, drizzle generously with the ginger soy sauce, and garnish with spring onions and a squeeze of lemon. Serve with steamed rice or sautéed greens for a complete meal.
