Chinese New Year Recipes: Prawn Wonton Noodle Soup





  • ワンタンの場合:
  • エビの身 200g(細かく刻む)
  • 醤油小さじ2杯
  • ごま油小さじ1杯
  • コーンスターチ小さじ1杯
  • ネギ 1本(みじん切り)
  • すりおろした生姜小さじ1杯
  • ワンタンの皮 20枚
  • ブラッシング用の水
  • スープ用:
  • チキンストック1.5リットル
  • 醤油大さじ2杯
  • 生姜 1片(スライス)
  • ネギ 2本(スライス)
  • 白コショウ少々
  • 卵麺200g(パッケージの指示に従って調理)
  • チンゲン菜 200g、洗って切り分ける


  1. Make the Wonton Mixture:
    1 Make the Wonton Mixture:
    • Mix the chopped prawn meat together with soy sauce, sesame oil, cornstarch, green onion, and grated ginger.
  2. Prepare the Wontons:
    2 Prepare the Wontons:
    • Lay out a wonton skin and place a heaped teaspoon of prawn mixture into the center. Brush the edges of the top half of the wrapper with water and fold the bottom up to meet with the top edge. Run your finger over the filling to push out any air bubbles, then press the pastry firmly around the meat so you have a sealed parcel. Place the wonton aside and repeat with the remaining wonton skins.
  3. Make the Soup:
    3 Make the Soup:
    • Heat the chicken stock in a pan over medium heat. When it comes to a simmer, add soy sauce, ginger, and spring onions, then reduce the heat to a very gentle simmer. Add a pinch of ground white pepper.
  4. Cook the Wontons:
    4 Cook the Wontons:
    • Gently cook the wontons for about 3 minutes in a separate pot of simmering water until just soft. When the dumplings float to the top, they are cooked. Remove from the water.
  5. Assemble and Serve:
    5 Assemble and Serve:
    • Divide the cooked noodles and bok choy between 4 large bowls. Place the cooked wontons in the bowls and pour over the seasoned stock. Serve immediately.
