Christmas Garlic-Herb Butterflied Prawns with Cranberry Lemon Drizzle





  • 大きなエビ500g(バターフライ)
  • 無塩バター 100g(溶かしたもの)
  • ニンニク3片(みじん切り)
  • 新鮮なパセリのみじん切り大さじ2杯(飾り用に追加)
  • パプリカ小さじ1杯
  • 塩、コショウ、お好みで
  • 新鮮なクランベリージュース大さじ2杯
  • レモン 1 個、絞ったジュース(盛り付け用にスライスしたものも追加)
  • 新鮮なクランベリー(飾り用)


  1. Prepare the prawns
    1 Prepare the prawns

    Butterfly the prawns by slicing down their backs, removing the vein, and spreading them flat. Place them shell-side down on a baking tray. Preheat your grill to high.

  2. Flavour and cook
    2 Flavour and cook

    Combine melted butter, minced garlic, chopped parsley, paprika, salt, and pepper. Brush the mixture generously over the prawns. Grill for 5–6 minutes or until the prawns turn pink and are cooked through.

  3. Finish and serve
    3 Finish and serve

    In a small bowl, mix fresh cranberry juice with lemon juice. Drizzle this over the prawns before serving. Garnish with extra parsley and whole cranberries for a festive touch. Serve with lemon wedges on the side.
