Crunchy Air Fryer Cod Recipe



定番のタラがヘルシーにグレードアップ!エアフライヤー タラは、フレーク状の白身魚をサクサクの黄金色の皮で包みます。揚げ物への欲求を軽くひねって簡単に楽しむことができます。


  • タラの切り身 4枚(各150g)
  • 塩コショウ少々
  • パプリカ小さじ1杯
  • 卵2個(溶いたもの)
  • パン粉 1カップ
  • ミックスハーブ大さじ1杯
  • 飾り用のレモンの輪切りと新鮮なパセリ


  1. Season the Fish
    1 Season the Fish

    Lightly season the cod fillets with salt, pepper, and a hint of paprika for added warmth.

  2. Prepare the Coating
    2 Prepare the Coating

    Coat the cod in beaten eggs, then roll in a blend of breadcrumbs and mixed herbs for a flavourful crust.

  3. Air Fry
    3 Air Fry

    Arrange the cod fillets in the air fryer basket and cook at 180°C until the exterior is crispy and the fish is cooked through.

  4. Serve
    4 Serve

    Present the cod with lemon wedges and fresh parsley, adding a refreshing touch to the dish.
