Festive Crab Cocktail with Avocado Cream Recipe





  • 新鮮なカニ肉 400g
  • 熟したアボカド 2 個(中身をくりぬいたもの)
  • サワークリーム 1/3カップ
  • ライムジュース1個分
  • オリーブオイル大さじ1杯
  • レモン1個分の皮と果汁
  • 細かく刻んだチャイブ大さじ2杯、飾り用に追加
  • ザクロの種 1/3カップ(分けて)
  • 塩と粗挽き黒コショウ、お好みで
  • 飾り用のマイクロハーブと新鮮なディル
  • レモンの輪切り(添える)


  1. Prepare the avocado cream
    1 Prepare the avocado cream

    In a medium bowl, mash the avocado flesh thoroughly with a fork until smooth. Add the sour cream, lime juice, and a pinch of salt and pepper. Whisk vigorously until creamy and well combined. Adjust seasoning to taste and chill until ready to serve.

  2. Mix the crab cocktail
    2 Mix the crab cocktail

    In a large bowl, gently toss the fresh crab meat with olive oil, lemon zest, lemon juice, chopped chives, and a pinch of salt and pepper. Stir through half of the pomegranate seeds for a festive touch.

  3. Assemble and serve
    3 Assemble and serve

    Spoon the chilled avocado cream into serving glasses or bowls. Top with the crab mixture, sprinkle over the remaining pomegranate seeds, and garnish with extra chives, micro herbs, and a sprig of dill. Serve with lemon wedges for a bright finish.
