Lemon Garlic Scampi Pasta Recipe





  • パスタ400g
  • スカンピの尾500g(皮をむいて背わたを取り除いたもの)
  • オリーブオイル大さじ2杯
  • バター40g
  • ニンニク4片(みじん切り)
  • パセリ 1/4カップ(細かく刻む)
  • 白ワイン 1/2カップ
  • レモン1個分の果汁と皮
  • 塩コショウ少々


  1. Pasta Preparation
    1 Pasta Preparation

    Boil pasta in salted water until al dente; drain.

  2. Cook Scampi
    2 Cook Scampi

    In a pan, heat oil and half the butter, sauté scampi until just cooked through and set aside.

  3. Aromatic Base
    3 Aromatic Base

    Add remaining butter to the pan. Sauté garlic until golden, then deglaze with white wine.

  4. Combine and Emulsify
    4 Combine and Emulsify

    Return scampi to the pan, add lemon juice and zest, and toss with pasta. Warm through to meld flavours.

  5. Serve
    5 Serve

    Season with salt and pepper, garnish with parsley, and serve immediately.
