Golden Butterflied Flounder with Lemon and Parsley Recipe



レモンとパセリを添えた黄金のバターフライ ヒラメは、上品でありながらシンプルな一品で、ヒラメの繊細で甘い風味を引き立てます。軽く黄金色の皮でコーティングし、濃厚なバター ソースで仕上げたこのレシピは、一口ごとに優雅な味わいを味わえる特別なディナーに最適です。


  • ヒラメの切り身 4枚
  • 塩、コショウ、お好みで
  • 小麦粉 1/2カップ(衣用)
  • 無塩バター 100g
  • レモン1個(絞ったもの)
  • 新鮮なパセリ大さじ2杯(細かく刻む)
  • レモンの輪切り(盛り付け用)
  • 新鮮なパセリ(飾り用)


  1. Prepare the Flounder
    1 Prepare the Flounder

    Pat the flounder fillets dry with paper towels and season with salt and pepper on both sides. Dredge the fillets in flour, shaking off any excess.

  2. Cook the Flounder
    2 Cook the Flounder

    In a large skillet, melt the butter over medium-high heat until it begins to foam. Add the flounder fillets and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side, or until golden brown and cooked through. Remove the fillets from the skillet and set aside on a warm plate.

  3. Make the Sauce
    3 Make the Sauce

    Lower the heat to medium, add the remaining butter to the skillet, and cook until it turns a light brown, giving it a nutty aroma. Squeeze in the lemon juice and stir in the fresh parsley. Return the flounder fillets to the skillet, spooning the sauce over them to coat.

  4. Serve
    4 Serve

    Transfer the flounder fillets to a serving platter, pouring the remaining sauce over the top. Garnish with additional parsley and lemon wedges, and serve immediately with a side of steamed vegetables or roasted potatoes.
