Japanese Styled Boiled Flathead Recipe



このレシピは Thomas Tran 氏によるものです。



  • 1 匹の小さなフラットヘッド(洗浄し、頭と内臓を取り除く)
  • 生姜の薄切り2枚
  • 水125ml
  • 日本酒50ml
  • みりん 50ml
  • 醤油50ml


  1. Prepare the Fish
    1 Prepare the Fish

    Boil water while preparing the flathead by removing scales, head, and organs. Rinse the fish, then dry it using paper towels.

  2. Mark the Fish
    2 Mark the Fish

    Depending on your preferences, cut a large 'X' on both sides of the fish if you want it whole, or slice the flathead into pieces for smaller portions.

  3. Blanch the Fish
    3 Blanch the Fish

    Using a metal rack, place the fish on top and pour boiling water over the fish for a few seconds, then immediately place it in iced or cold water. Dry it quickly with a paper towel. This process helps reduce any fish smell and clean up remaining scales.

  4. Prepare the Sauce
    4 Prepare the Sauce

    Mix the water, sake, mirin, and soy sauce in a pan and bring to a boil to remove the alcohol. Place the ginger slices in the pan after boiling.

  5. Cook the Flathead
    5 Cook the Flathead

    Put the flathead into the pan using medium heat and use a spoon to regularly douse the fish with the sauce. Discard any foams that form.

  6. Simmer
    6 Simmer
    • Once foams are not forming as much, turn the heat low and cover the flathead with a paper towel or foil to help distribute the sauce evenly.
    • Let it simmer for 10-15 minutes or adjust depending on how much you want the sauce to thicken.
  7. Serve
    7 Serve

    Remove the paper or foil, then serve the flathead on a plate, pouring its sauce on top. Serve alongside rice.
