Luxurious Shellfish Boil with Garlic Butter Recipe





  • 各種貝類(ハマグリ、カニの足、ロブスター)
  • ビール1リットル
  • 水1リットル
  • レモン2個(半分に切る)
  • ニンニク 12 片、みじん切り(一部はスープ用、一部はソース用)
  • 玉ねぎ2個(4等分)
  • バター200g
  • 新鮮なパセリ(みじん切り)
  • スパイス(オールドベイシーズニング、スモークパプリカ、カイエンペッパー)


  1. Prepare the Broth
    1 Prepare the Broth

    In a large pot, mix beer, water, and spices including Old Bay seasoning, smoked paprika, and cayenne pepper. Add lemon halves, minced garlic, and quartered onions to infuse the broth.

  2. Add Shellfish
    2 Add Shellfish

    Place clams, crab legs, and lobster into the boiling broth. Cook until the shellfish are fully cooked and open.

  3. Garlic Butter Sauce
    3 Garlic Butter Sauce

    In a separate pan, melt butter and lightly sauté additional minced garlic. Mix some of this broth into the garlic butter to create a flavourful sauce.

  4. Serve
    4 Serve

    Arrange the shellfish on a large platter, drizzle with the garlic butter sauce, and sprinkle with chopped fresh parsley.
