Patagonian Toothfish with Sauce Vierge Recipe



このレシピはPatrick O'Callaghan氏によるものです。



  • 200g パタゴニアマメ
  • 大きめのオックスハートトマト1個(小さくさいの目切り)
  • 中サイズのエシャロット1個、上質のブリュノワーズ
  • ニンニク1片、薄切りブリュノワーズ
  • パセリ大さじ1杯(細かく刻む)
  • バジル大さじ1杯(細かく千切り)
  • 細かく切ったチャイブ大さじ1杯
  • レモン 1 個(半分に切る)
  • バルサミコ酢 20ml(白がおすすめ)
  • ベルジュース 20ml
  • エキストラバージンオリーブオイル(EVOO)150ml
  • マルドン海塩(調味料用)


  1. Prepare the Sauce
    1 Prepare the Sauce
    • Heat EVOO in a small saucepan over medium heat. Add the shallot and reduce heat to low, stirring for about 5 minutes without colouring the shallot.
    • Add the garlic and cook for another 5 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside.
  2. Cook the Fish
    2 Cook the Fish
    • In a larger saucepan, heat a small amount of water to a simmer. Place the toothfish on parchment paper and into the pan. Cover with a lid and gently steam for four minutes.
    • Remove from heat and let the fish rest for a few minutes. Then, carefully flake the fish into large pieces onto a warmed plate using your hands (consider wearing rubber gloves). Squeeze half a lemon over the fish, drizzle with EVOO, and sprinkle flaky salt to taste.
  3. Finish the Sauce
    3 Finish the Sauce
    • Return the small saucepan to the heat. Add a pinch of salt, verjuice, balsamic vinegar, and the juice of the remaining lemon half. Bring just to a simmer then remove from heat.
    • Stir in the diced tomatoes and herbs. The goal is to warm the ingredients slightly without cooking them, allowing the flavours to meld.
  4. Serve
    4 Serve
    • Spoon the sauce vierge onto a new warmed plate and arrange the flaked toothfish attractively over it.
    • Serve immediately to capture the full essence of the dish.
