Prawn Linguine





  • リングイネパスタ 300g
  • スナップエンドウ(切り落とし)200g
  • オリーブオイル大さじ2杯
  • ニンニク 2片(細かく刻む)
  • 種を取り除いた大きな赤唐辛子1本(細かく刻む)
  • 殻をむいた生のキングエビ 20尾
  • 半分に切ったミニトマト10個
  • 新鮮なバジルの葉 1握り


  1. Cook Pasta and Peas:
    1 Cook Pasta and Peas:

    Cook the linguine pasta according to the instructions on the packet until al dente. Add sugar snap peas about 1 minute before the pasta is fully cooked.

  2. Prepare Prawn Mixture:
    2 Prepare Prawn Mixture:

    Heat oil in a large frying pan. Add garlic and chili and cook gently for about 30 seconds. Increase heat, add prawns, and stir regularly until they turn pink.

  3. Combine Pasta and Prawns:
    3 Combine Pasta and Prawns:
    • Add tomatoes to the pan and cook until they’re soft.
    • Drain the pasta and sugar snaps and combine with the prawn mixture in the frying pan.
  4. Add Basil and Season:
    4 Add Basil and Season:

    Tear the basil leaves and stir them into the pasta. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
