Stir-Fried Crab with Ginger and Shallot Recipe





  • きれいに洗って切り分けたカニ2匹
  • 植物油大さじ3
  • 生姜1片(千切り)
  • エシャロット 4個(スライス)
  • 日本酒 1/4カップ
  • チキンストック 1/2カップ
  • 薄口醤油大さじ2杯
  • 砂糖 小さじ1杯
  • 新鮮なネギ(みじん切り、飾り用)


  1. Prepare the Crab
    1 Prepare the Crab

    Clean the crab thoroughly and cut it into sections, cracking the claws to allow the flavours to penetrate. In a large wok or pan, heat the vegetable oil over medium-high heat. Add the ginger and shallots, stir-frying until fragrant and golden.

  2. Cook the Crab
    2 Cook the Crab

    Add the crab pieces to the wok, tossing to coat with the ginger and shallots. Pour in the rice wine and cover the wok with a lid. Let the crab steam for about 5 minutes, allowing the flavours to meld together.

  3. Finish and Serve
    3 Finish and Serve

    Uncover the wok and add the chicken stock, light soy sauce, and sugar. Toss the crab to coat evenly with the sauce. Cook for another 2 minutes until the sauce thickens slightly. Garnish with freshly chopped spring onions and serve hot with steamed rice.
