Snapper Sashimi with Wasabi Soy Dipping Sauce Recipe





  • 鯛の刺身 300g(薄切り)
  • 醤油大さじ3
  • すりおろしたてのわさび小さじ1杯
  • 米酢 小さじ1杯
  • ネギまたはマイクログリーン(飾り用)
  • 漬け生姜(お好みで)


  1. Prepare the Dipping Sauce
    1 Prepare the Dipping Sauce

    In a small bowl, combine soy sauce, freshly grated wasabi, and a dash of rice vinegar. Stir until the wasabi is fully incorporated into the sauce. Taste and adjust the seasoning if needed, adding more wasabi for additional spice.

  2. Prepare the Sashimi
    2 Prepare the Sashimi

    Using a sharp knife, carefully slice the snapper sashimi into thin, even pieces. Arrange the slices neatly on a chilled plate, ensuring a visually appealing presentation.

  3. Serve with Dipping Sauce
    3 Serve with Dipping Sauce

    Place the snapper sashimi slices on the serving plate alongside the prepared wasabi soy dipping sauce. Garnish with finely sliced green onions or microgreens for added freshness and colour. Serve with a side of pickled ginger for a cleansing contrast.
