Aussie Classic Fish and Chips Recipe



外はカリカリ、中は柔らかいオーストラリアの伝統的なフィッシュ アンド チップスを、お好みのディップ ソースと一緒にお楽しみください。


  • オーストラリア産タイガー皮なし骨なしフラットヘッド4匹
  • 皮をむいてチップス状に細長く切った、粉っぽいジャガイモ4個
  • 小麦粉1カップ、まぶし用に追加
  • 冷やしたビール(ラガー)1/2カップ
  • ひまわり油
  • レモン4個(くし形に切る)
  • 塩コショウ(お好みで)


  1. Prepare Batter:
    1 Prepare Batter:

    Place flour in a large bowl. Add salt and pepper. Make a well in the centre of the bowl, and gently pour beer in the middle, whisking as you go. Continue this process until all the beer is poured in, and a smooth and consistent batter is formed. Place batter aside in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

  2. Preheat Oil:
    2 Preheat Oil:

    Preheat oil in a large, heavy-based saucepan or deep fryer to 180°C (350°F).

  3. Fry Potato Strips:
    3 Fry Potato Strips:

    Fry potato strips in small batches in the oil until tender. Remove and drain on paper towels.

  4. Batter and Fry Fish:
    4 Batter and Fry Fish:

    Take each piece of fish individually, and batter with flour. Place in the same hot oil used for the fish, and fry until golden. Drain on paper towels.

  5. Refry Potato Chips:
    5 Refry Potato Chips:

    Place the potato chips back in the oil, and fry again for an additional minute or two, until golden and crispy.

  6. Serve:
    6 Serve:

    Serve with wedges of lemon, and tartare and tomato sauce. This fish and chips recipe is best enjoyed immediately.
