Grilled Barramundi for the Perfect Mother's Day Dinner





  • マンゴーサルサの場合:
  • 熟したマンゴー2個(皮をむいて刻む)
  • みじん切りにした小さめの赤玉ねぎ1個
  • 皮をむいてみじん切りにしたキュウリ 1本
  • 新鮮なミント1/4カップ(刻んだもの)
  • ライムジュース1個分
  • 塩、お好みで
  • バラマンディの場合:
  • バラマンディの切り身 4 枚
  • オリーブオイル(コーティング用)
  • 塩と挽きたての黒コショウ、お好みで
  • 新鮮なコリアンダー(飾り用)


  1. Prepare the Mango Salsa:
    1 Prepare the Mango Salsa:
    • In a bowl, combine chopped mangoes, red onion, cucumber, and mint. Mix gently.
    • Add lime juice and season with salt to taste. Set aside in the fridge to chill and meld the flavours.
  2. Season and Prepare Barramundi:
    2 Season and Prepare Barramundi:
    • Lightly coat the barramundi fillets with olive oil and season each fillet with salt and freshly ground black pepper.
  3. Grill the Barramundi:
    3 Grill the Barramundi:
    • Heat the grill to medium-high heat. Use a pastry brush to coat the grill with olive oil to prevent sticking.
    • Place the fillets on the grill and cook for 3-4 minutes per side, until the edges of the fish are bright white and the fish is cooked through.
  4. Serve:
    4 Serve:
    • Place a grilled barramundi fillet on each plate. Top with a generous helping of mango salsa, or serve it on the side.
    • Garnish with fresh coriander and serve with your mum’s favorite white wine.
