Smoked Trout Chowder Recipe





  • 無塩バター大さじ2杯
  • 玉ねぎ 1個(細かく刻む)
  • ニンニク 2片(みじん切り)
  • セロリの茎 2本(さいの目切り)
  • 皮をむいて角切りにした中サイズのジャガイモ2個
  • 小麦粉大さじ2杯
  • 魚のスープ 4カップ
  • クッキングクリーム 1カップ
  • コーン粒 1 1/2カップ(生または冷凍)
  • スモークトラウト 300g(フレーク状)
  • 新鮮なパセリのみじん切り大さじ2杯
  • 海塩と粗挽き黒コショウ、お好みで
  • 飾り用のディル、パセリ、またはチャイブ


  1. Prepare the Base
    1 Prepare the Base

    In a large pot, melt the butter over medium heat. Sauté the diced onion, garlic, and celery until softened and fragrant. Add the diced potatoes, sprinkle with plain flour, and stir to coat evenly. Slowly pour in the fish stock and bring the mixture to a simmer. Cook until the potatoes are tender.

  2. Incorporate the Trout
    2 Incorporate the Trout

    Stir in the smoked trout pieces, cooking cream, and corn kernels. Simmer gently until the chowder thickens slightly. Adjust seasoning with sea salt and cracked black pepper to taste.

  3. Serve and Garnish
    3 Serve and Garnish

    Ladle the chowder into bowls and top with fresh dill, parsley, or chives. Serve with crusty bread or toasted sourdough for dipping.
