One Pot Salmon and Fennel Risotto Recipe



このレシピはTahnee Stroet 氏によるものです。これは家族のお気に入りです。調理が簡単で、栄養価が高く、おいしいです。


  • 皮を剥いたサーモンの切り身500g
  • フェンネルの球根 2個
  • アルボリオ米 300g
  • 50g パルメザンチーズ(すりおろしたもの)
  • エシャロット 2個
  • ディル 1束
  • レモン 1個
  • 野菜スープキューブ 2個
  • ベビーほうれん草 150g
  • オリーブオイル40ml
  • バター 20g


  1. Preheat Oven
    1 Preheat Oven

    Set the oven to 180°C (fan-forced).

  2. Prepare Vegetables
    2 Prepare Vegetables

    Finely chop the fennel bulbs and shallots.

  3. Sear Salmon
    3 Sear Salmon

    In a heavy-based, oven-proof saucepan (with a lid), heat some olive oil and sear the salmon until medium rare. Remove and set aside.

  4. Sauté Vegetables
    4 Sauté Vegetables

    Add more oil to the pan, then fry the shallots and fennel for 5 minutes.

  5. Add Rice
    5 Add Rice

    Stir in the rice to coat all grains, cooking for about 1 minute.

  6. Bake
    6 Bake

    Dissolve the stock cubes in 1.3 litres of boiling water, add to the pan and stir. Cover with the lid and bake in the oven for 25 minutes.

  7. Final Touches
    7 Final Touches

    Remove from the oven, add spinach, butter, parmesan, and 90ml hot water. Cover and let stand for 3 minutes.

  8. Serve
    8 Serve

    Flake the salmon over the risotto, sprinkle with dill and lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve with lemon wedges.
